Meet The Team

Jim McMorries, Founder, IFAS

United Appraisal Research was founded by Mr. Jim McMorries. Jim started his appraisal career in 1958 and began specializing in hotel and motel appraisal in 1989. He is a lifetime member of the National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers (NAIFA). Jim has over 50 years of experience in the appraisal industry.

Wendell Pyles, MAI

Since 1983, Mr. Wendell Pyles has conducted appraisal assignments throughout Texas and the Southwest. Wendell is a member of the Appraisal Institute (MAI), Certificate No. 6698. The Appraisal Institute conducts a program of continuing education for its designated members. Members who meet the minimum standards of this program are awarded periodic education certification and Wendell is certified under this program.

Kreg Hodge

Mr. Kreg Hodge has been conducting appraisals since 2006 throughout Texas and the Southwest and has over 15 years of experience in accounting, banking, lending and real estate. Kreg is a member of the International Right-of-Way Association, Chapter 36 and has completed appraisals for retail centers, office buildings, motels and various commercial and industrial buildings.

Our Staff

Our staff have appraised a wide variety of commercial and agricultural properties and have over 100 years of appraisal experience in total. Our appraisers include:

Brad Stewart

Mike Mahan

Danny Chambers

David Kyle

Jason Secrest

Rich McBride

John McGraw

Jace Whatley

Learn More About Our Services

Make sure to learn more about our appraisal services and how we can assess your property.

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Real Estate Appraiser | Seymour, TX
Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Galveston, Austin, San Antonio, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Phoenix, Tucson, Tempe, Mesa, Las Vegas, Reno, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Atlanta, Alpharetta, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Charlotte, Asheville, Nashville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Greenville, Albuquerque, Santa Fe and more

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